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27Apr2024 - 01:11 56 PM
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JAPANESE DRAMA DVD Keikan no Chi / The Policeman's Lineage / 警官的血 by Yasuo Tsuruhashi (JD16)
Code : 9555499409144
Price : MYR32.90 SGD15.63 USD12.83 RMB88.83 MYR26.32 / SGD12.50 / USD10.26 / RMB71.06
Weight :200 g
Staring :Yosuke Eguchi , Hidetaka Yoshioka , Hideaki Ito , Kippei Shiina , Yoshino Kimura , Shigeru Izumiya , Masato Ibu , Miyoko Asada ,
Director :Yasuo Tsuruhashi ,
Year :2009
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese Simplified/简体文字 , Chinese Traditional/繁体文字 , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :AUDIO STEREO ,
Discs :2
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Ember Power (M) Sdn Bhd ,
Producer :日本连续剧 ,

The story spans three generations of policemen, starting with Seiji, a Pacific War veteran who becomes a cop but dies in a fire near his home. His son Tamio follows in his footsteps as a police officer, but he is killed in the line of duty by a drug addict. Kazuya, the third generation policeman, is assigned to a secret investigation that leads him to the mysteries behind his father's and grandfather's death.

《警官之血》深刻地描写了警察家族的历史,由孙子解开祖父和父亲的死亡之谜。 安城清二(江口饰)因为妻子怀孕,为了安定的生活加入了警队,在训练班里,他结识了好友香取茂一和洼田胜利,以及会对他和他儿子的生活带来巨变的早濑(椎名饰)。训练毕业后的清二被分配到了上野警署,立誓要保护市民安全的他面临着现实和理想的差距,但是他仍乐观的做着他的巡警,并认识了底层的一个年轻人绿,但是突然某一天,绿被人发现被勒死在公园里,警察局决定草草结案,但是清二一直想为绿逮捕凶手。几年后,一起类似的案件再次发生,清二无意中发现这二人可能都是间谍并被人灭口,在证人的帮助下,清二发现凶手竟然是早濑。那时正好警察局附近发生大火,早濑杀死了清二,并以他对救火不及而自责为由掩盖了清二被杀的真相。清二的儿子民雄在香取、洼田的资助下上了大学,并以爸爸为榜样加入了警队,时以高升的早濑将民雄派去大学做间谍,以此逮捕激进的学生,民雄在职责和背叛好友中,精神倍受煎熬,几近崩溃,幸而早年获得爸爸帮助的人开解了他,民雄决定象父亲那样做个好巡警,但是噩梦却再次逼近了他。。。

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