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26Apr2024 - 03:31 54 PM
Category :

Japan Anime

One Piece DVD
Code : 9511009500763
Price : MYR12.90 SGD6.13 USD5.03 RMB34.83 MYR10.32 / SGD4.90 / USD4.02 / RMB27.86
Weight :200 g
Genre :Boy Series Animation ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD5 ,
Manufacturer :Carmit Entertainment ,

For many years, Ex-Marine Lieutenant Randolph and his troupe have put on a play aboard his ship. Having lost his family to pirates, Randolph wishes to put on plays that will give courage to those who have also lost their loved ones to pirates. Unfortunately, Randolph must retire soon, and he is now giving his last performance. Luffy and his crew come to see the play, and somehow manage to take part in it themselves. But from Randolph's past comes a vengeful subordinate with a diabolical plan who has finally become commander in order to capture Randolph. Luffy and his nakama now must prove to the people that not all pirates are scum, and protect Randolph's final farewell performance from the bitter commander.

我不會讓你們的船,被任何一顆海軍的砲彈打到 你們的舞台由我們來守護!來到某座島的草帽海賊團,發現了整艘設計為劇場的船,幾個人不僅隨意的亂晃到劇團的舞台去,甚至還撞見劇團團員表示要退出的場面。就在缺人且又是老演員蘭道爾夫最後一場演出的狀況下,於是魯夫他們誤打誤撞成了臨時演員,一場草帽海賊團有史以來初次參與的爆笑舞台演出就此開啟… 蘭道爾夫,一位曾是海軍少校的偉大演員,究竟與海賊有著怎樣的淵源?如此重要的最後舞台竟然有海軍來攪局? 草帽海賊團將出手守護蘭道爾夫的最後舞台…

In an alternate reality world that resembles Edo Period Japan, Luffy acts as a member of the police. This is made up of two adventures: in the first, Buggy makes trouble in the town; in the second, a mysterious girl named Vivi appears. This special contains several cameos from characters throughout the entire series. (aired after Episode 253) This special contains several cameos from characters throughout the entire series.

這裡是和江戶時代的日本很相近的“日本本“。天下承平,人們都過著安居樂業的日子。但是,卻有名為巴其的壞蛋率領著”小丑一家”來到了鎮裡,打算到錢莊搶錢。這時現身的就是捕頭草帽小子魯夫!以他的橡膠人絕招,趕走了一幫惡棍!! 保衛鎮上和平的魯夫,他的手下是騙人布。娜美則成了飯館的老闆娘,廚師不用說當然就是香吉士了。喬巴是鎮上的大夫,索隆是雲遊四海的破戒僧,而羅賓則穿著和服出現。 最後更有神祕的美少女-薇薇的登場!


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