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ED:Gregory Peck格里高利派克 DVD
Code : eng0059
Price : MYR119.90 SGD56.95 USD46.76 RMB323.73 MYR95.92 / SGD45.56 / USD37.41 / RMB258.98
Weight :500 g
Genre :Classic ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :14
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :峨眉电音制片厂音像出版社 ,

Peck was born in La Jolla, California. His father was a druggist in San Diego. His parents divorced when he was five years old. An only child, he was sent to live with his grandmother. He never felt he had a stable childhood. His fond memories are of his grandmother taking him to the movies every week and of his dog, which followed him everywhere. He studied pre-med at Berkeley and, while there, Peck got the acting bug and decided to change the focus of his studies. He enrolled in the Neighborhood Playhouse in New York and debuted on Broadway after graduation. His debut was in Emlyn Williams' stage play "The Morning Star" (1942). By 1943, he was in Hollywood where he debuted in the RKO film Days of Glory (1944). Stardom came with his next film, The Keys of the Kingdom (1944), for which he was nominated for an Academy Award. Peck's screen presence displayed the qualities for which he became well known. He was tall, rugged, and heroic, with a basic decency that transcended his roles. He appeared in Alfred Hitchcock's Spellbound (1945) as the amnesia victim accused of murder. In The Yearling (1946), Peck was again nominated for the Academy Award and won the Golden Globe. Peck appeared in Westerns such as Duel in the Sun (1946), _Yellow Sky (1949)_ and The Gunfighter (1950). He was nominated again for the Academy Award with his roles in Gentleman's Agreement (1947), a story of discrimination, and Twelve O'Clock High (1949), a story of high level stress at bomber command. With a string of hits behind him, Peck soon took the decision to only work in films that interested him. He continued to appear as the heroic figures in larger-than-life films such as Captain Horatio Hornblower R.N. (1951) and Moby Dick (1956). He worked with Audrey Hepburn in her debut film, Roman Holiday (1953). After four nominations, Peck finally won the Oscar for his performance as Lawyer Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird (1962). In the early 60s, he appeared in two dark films, Cape Fear (1962) and Captain Newman, M.D. (1963), which dealt with the way people live. He also gave a powerful performance as Captain Keith Mallory in The Guns of Navarone (1961), one of the biggest cinematic hits of that year. In the early 70s, he produced two movies, The Trial of the Catonsville Nine (1972) and The Dove (1974), while his film career waned. He made a comeback playing the wooden Robert Thorn in the horror film The Omen (1976). After that, he returned to the bigger than life roles as MacArthur (1977) and the evil Doctor Mengele in The Boys from Brazil (1978). In the 80s, Peck moved into television with the mini series "The Blue and the Gray" (1982) (mini) and the movie The Scarlet and the Black (1983) (TV). In 1991, he appeared in the remake of his 1962 film, playing a different part, in Cape Fear (1991). He was also cast as the liberal owner of a wire and cable business in Other People's Money (1991). In 1967, Peck received the Academy's Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award. He was also been awarded the Medal of Freedom. Always politically liberal, Peck was active in causes dealing with charities, politics or the film industry. He died in June 2003, aged 87. 1. 罗马假期 Roman Holiday 2. 杀死一只更死鸟 To kill a mockingbird 3. 百万英镑 The Million Pound Note 4. 爱德华大夫 Spellbound 5. 君子协定 Gentleman Agreement 6. 凛艳断肠花 Paradine Case 7. 太阳浴血记 Dual In The sun 8. 海狼突击队 The Sea Wolves 9. 晴空血战记 10. 乞力马扎罗的雪 11.西部开拓史 12.白鲸记 Moby Dick 13. 鹿苑长春 The Yearling 14. 霸王夺姬 David And Bathsheba 埃德利德·格里高利·派克,出生于美国加利福尼亚州的La Jolla,他的母亲是密西西比人,父亲叫格里高利·派克,是一位化学家。小派克的祖母凯瑟琳·阿谢是从爱尔兰来的移民。凯瑟琳·阿谢的亲戚托马斯·阿谢是一位爱尔兰民族主义者,在小派克出生那年参加了爱尔兰复活节起义,并死于1917年的饥荒。在小派克5岁的时候,他的父母离婚,他的祖母开始养育他。10岁的时候,派克被送往洛杉矶的一所罗马天主教军事学校就读。毕业后,他考入了圣迭戈州立大学,但在一年后旋即退学。他在一家石油公司开了一段时间的卡车。1936年,他又成为加利福尼亚大学柏克莱分校预科生,主攻英语文学,并参加了校赛艇队。在高年级的时候,他又加入了学校的小剧团,并出演了5场戏。 在大学毕业后,派克去掉了名字中的“埃德利德”,并在1939年前往纽约就读邻家戏剧学院。由于穷困潦倒,他经常露宿中央公园。他还在作为NBC电视台的导游服务于1939年的世界博览会上,1942年,派克在百老汇首次登台,担任爱姆林·威廉姆斯的《晨星》一剧中的男主角。在当年他的第二部戏剧是与爱德华·泡雷合作的《柳树与我》。派克在二战期间大受欢迎,因为他在向马萨·格拉汉姆学习舞蹈和动作的时候背部受伤,导致他免服兵役。20世纪福克斯公司声称派克在大学期间的划船运动导致了他的背伤。用派克的话来说,“我猜,好莱坞的人不觉得一个舞蹈课程会有那么严重。多年来我一直想证明这个说法。” 派克主演的首部电影是1944年的《光荣的日子》(Days of Glory)。在他开始电影表演的开始五年中,他就被4次提名为奥斯卡最佳男主角奖候选人,这些影片分别是:《王国的钥匙》(The Keys of the Kingdom)(1944),《幼婴》(The Yearling)(1946),《君子协定》(Gentleman's Agreement)(1947),《12点正》(Twelve O'Clock High)(1949)。 1962年,正值美国民权运动的巅峰时期,派克主演了由哈珀·李的小说改编而成的电影《杀死一只知更鸟》 (To Kill a Mockingbird),在片中扮演了一位身受压迫的律师和丧偶的父亲阿提卡斯·芬奇。这个角色为派克赢得了最佳男主角的第5次提名,并首次获得了该项大奖。据说,该片也是派克最喜爱的作品。在2003年,阿提卡斯·芬奇被美国电影学院评为100年来最佳的电影英雄。派克的另一部广受欢迎的影片是《罗马假日》(Roman Holiday),他扮演了一位记者,而该片让奥黛丽·赫本首次获得了奥斯卡大奖。 在1947年,当许多好莱坞明星因为有关活动被列上黑名单的时候,派克写信痛斥国会非美国人活动委员会关于起诉电影界赤色分子的调查。他也公开反对越战,尽管他仍支持儿子斯蒂文去越南参战。在1972年,派克将菲利普·巴利根的剧作《卡通斯韦尔9号审判》?拍成电影,该片讲述了对一群抗议越战的异议分子的控诉。 到了80年代,他转到了银屏上,因为主演系列短剧《蓝与灰》而再次名声大躁,他在片中饰演了亚伯拉罕·林肯。他还主演了电视剧《斯加利与布莱克》,这部片讲述了二战时期梵蒂冈的天主教牧师们从纳粹的魔掌中庇护偷运犹太人和其他难民的真实历史。 1989年,派克在荣获美国电影学院颁发的终身成就奖后,便从90年代初期开始停止制作电影的活动。由于他是美国民主党的忠实支持者,曾有人提议他作为该党的候选人与罗纳德·里根竞选加利福尼亚州州长的职务。在接受一家爱尔兰媒体的访问中,派克透露说,美国前总统林顿·约翰逊曾许诺他如果他赢得了第二次总统大选,将会任命派克为美国驻爱尔兰大使。派克说,“考虑到他的爱尔兰血统,这将会是一次伟大的冒险。”派克也鼓励他的儿子凯利·派克积极参与政治。但是在1978年和1980年,凯利·派克两次在南加州被保守派议员罗伯特·K·多男击败,第一次以微弱劣势惜败,第二次反而有了更大的差距。 2000年,格里高利·派克被爱尔兰国立大学授予文学博士。他也是都柏林学院大学电影学院的赞助者,他也同时建议了马丁·斯克西斯成为了荣誉赞助者。派克也担任了一段时间的美国癌症组织的主席。和凯利·格兰特一样,派克在晚年也进行了环球演讲。 2003年,87岁的派克在洛杉矶的家中,平静地离开了人世。他的第二任妻子维隆尼克陪伴在他的身边。他的遗产由维隆尼克,两个孩子以及与前妻所生的两个孩子所继承。他的长子早在1975年就已自杀身亡。 派克也从其祖父萨姆·派克继承了天主教亚美尼亚的血统。在他与第二任妻子维隆尼克·帕萨尼结婚后,妻子发现了他的血统关系。为了学习亚美尼亚的传统和亚美尼亚的语言,他从中年开始学习亚美尼亚语。之后他的血统得到了澄清。格里高利是一个普通的印欧语系的名字,也是一个亚美尼亚的姓氏,其起源于公元332年的亚美尼亚圣徒先知神圣格里高利。

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