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27Apr2024 - 06:28 54 AM
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ED:ER Season 1-7仁心仁术 DVD9
Code : w000192
Price : MYR139.90 SGD66.45 USD54.56 RMB377.73 MYR111.92 / SGD53.16 / USD43.65 / RMB302.18
Weight :500 g
Staring :Noah wyle , Anthony Edwards , Laura Innes , George Clooney ,
Genre :Family / Love / Relationship ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :7
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD9 ,
Manufacturer :City Movie Entertainment Sdn Bhd ,

Michael Crichton has created a medical drama that chronicles life and death in a Chicago hospital emergency room. Each episode tells the tale of another day in the ER, from the exciting to the mundane, and the joyous to the heart-rending. Frenetic pacing, interwoven plot lines, and emotional rollercoastering is used to attempt to accurately depict the stressful environment found there. This show even portrays the plight of medical students in their quest to become physicians. 如果说医院是一个生与死较量的战场,那么急诊室医生和护士们就是这场战争的先头部队。在芝加哥的一所医院里,这些位于医院底楼的急诊室医生们拿着相对较低的薪水,却做着医院里最辛苦的工作,他们必须连续工作36小时,时刻与死神赛跑,在坐班医生接手之前处理所有突发事件。而且他们对待的不仅仅是疾病和伤痛,每天都有人健康地离开,也 打工不如开小店 几千元做老板开个小店 月圆人圆调侃中秋 自体细胞抚平皱纹 有人在这里永远地合上双眼,面对健康和生死的不同态度,各种不同的病患和家属这个特殊舞台暴露出他们真实内心的善与恶、美与丑。   繁忙紧张的工作之余,急诊室的医生们还必须直面自己生活中的磨难,甚至还要面对日夜相处的同事的生老病死。一批批的实习医生在这里学习成长,并有人留下来成为了 医院骨干,也有人离开这里,选择了不同的人生道路。   急诊室永远喧闹,医生们的步伐也始终匆忙,但无论他们有多么疲倦,高尚的道德心与高明的医术仍不断创造着挽救一条条生命的动人故事。

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