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20Apr2024 - 09:33 27 AM
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Code : 9555409604737
Price : MYR10.90 SGD5.18 USD4.25 RMB29.43 MYR8.72 / SGD4.14 / USD3.40 / RMB23.54
Weight :100 g
Staring :历苏 , 郑则仕 , 杨丽青 , 雷宇扬 , 郑佩佩 ,
Director :曹建南 ,
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English , Malay ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Audio Format :DSD ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Dragon Jester Entertainment Sdn Bhd , Kedai Buku Topwin ,

The first film is a collision of three separate stories — the journey of a bushman to the "end of the earth" to destroy a Coca-Cola bottle, the romance between a bumbling scientist and a schoolteacher, and a band of guerrillas on the run. The Bushmen of Xi's group are living well off the land, even though they live in the Kalahari desert. They are happy because the "gods" have provided plenty of everything, so no one in the tribe has unfilled wants. One day, the pilot of a passing airplane drops a glass Coke bottle. Initially, this strange artifact seems to be another boon from the gods — Xi's people find many uses for it. But unlike anything that they have had before, there is only one bottle to go around. This exposes the tribe to a hitherto unknown phenomenon, property, and they soon find themselves experiencing things they never had before: jealousy, envy, anger, hatred, even violence. Xi decides that the bottle is an "evil thing" and must be thrown off of the edge of the world. He sets out alone on his quest and encounters Western civilization for the first time. The film presents an interesting interpretation of civilization as viewed through Xi's perceptions. There are also plot lines about biologist Andrew Steyn (Marius Weyers) who is studying the local animals; the newly-hired village school teacher, a former newspaper reporter named Kate Thompson (Sandra Prinsloo); and some guerrillas led by Sam Boga (Louw Verwey), who are being pursued by government troops after an unsuccessful coup d'état. Also taking a share of the limelight is Steyn's Land Rover, dubbed "The Antichrist" by his assistant and mechanic, M'pudi (Michael Thys), for its unreliability and constant need of repair. Xi happens upon a farm and, being hungry as well as oblivious to the concept of ownership, shoots a goat with an arrow. For this, he is arrested and jailed for stealing livestock. Steyn comes to realize that Xi will die in the alien environment of a prison cell and manages to hire Xi as a tracker for the 11 weeks of his prison sentence, with the help of M'pudi, who speaks N!xau's language. Meanwhile, the guerrillas invade the school where Kate teaches and use her and her pupils as human shields for their escape. Steyn and Xi manage to immobilize the guerrillas as they are passing by and save Kate and the children. Steyn allows Xi to leave to continue his quest to the edge of the world. Xi prepares to throw the Coke bottle off the end of the earth. Xi prepares to throw the Coke bottle off the end of the earth. Xi eventually finds himself at the top of a cliff with a solid layer of low-lying clouds obscuring the landscape below. This convinces Xi that he has reached the edge of the world, and he throws the bottle off the cliff. This scene was filmed at a place called God's Window in what was then called the Eastern Transvaal, South Africa (now a separate province called Mpumalanga). This is at the edge of the escarpment between the Highveld and Lowveld of South Africa. 北京举办超级马拉松越野赛,各大机构均赞助顶尖儿高手参赛,香港参赛队伍晶晶队教练纪芳(郑佩佩)雄心勃勃,提早带队北上集训,望夺锦标。不料,部分健儿竟临阵退缩,芳彷徨间巧遇黑人历苏,惊为天人,遂力邀加盟港队。原来,历苏乃南北华侨吴润达(郑则仕)的摇钱树,但达闻奖金丰厚,自然不想错过机会。当历苏与港队相处期间,因言语沟通出现问题而大闹笑话。大赛展开,历苏凭着惊人的毅力节节领先,带领港队率先抵达中途站,怎知当中参赛的力王队竟假借出赛为名,实则在特准途经熊猫保护区的赛道上企图捉擒珍贵熊猫,并千方百计阻挠其他队伍前进,可是他们今次的对手却是非洲土著历苏,他以天赋的生存方式,实行与力王队展开一场争夺熊猫的角逐战。

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