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26Apr2024 - 08:57 13 PM
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EM: She Wore A Yellow Ribbon 黄巾骑兵队 DVD
Code : 9787885725617
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Director :John Ford ,
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,

Anyone who thinks John Wayne can't act should see this movie and eat crow. A young man then, he played a cavalry officer on the verge of retirement. Watch his eyes (the sign of a great actor). It's a wonder he wasn't even nominated for the Academy Award for this role, which few in Hollywood could pull off convincingly. It's also a John Wayne western the woman in your life will probably like. Wayne talks tenderly at the grave of his wife, and even has a moment of sucking back weeping when his men show their fondness for him. This bittersweet, elegaic film about a retiring officer on his last mission doesn't have lots of action in it (Ford seems to have thrown in a fistfight with McLaglin just because that actor had little to do, and though it's corny, it has a wonderful beginning). Apart from Wayne, the reason to watch this is the cinematography. Monument valley, host to myriad westerns, never looked better. They even captured a marvelous thunderstorm in the background, in these days before special effects (the cinematographer, who did snatch an Oscar, originally protested the work, but Ford made him film the scene and they ended up with one of the most striking natural scenes ever). For years people didn't think Wayne could act. Some, like me, grew up on his later, post-"True Grit" movies, when he did tend to walk through his parts, more icon than actor. He didn't have great finesse with his lines (neither does a fine actor of today, Harrison Ford), but his roles rarely called for the nicety of a Jeremy Irons. In his better movies, Wayne proves he's more than just a movie star. This is his finest hour, and may be John Ford's. 约翰·韦恩原名马里恩·莫里森,父亲是一位药剂师,童年时举家南迁到南加州,并在莫哈韦沙漠经营一个农场,直到农场失败以前,莫里森每天都要和弟弟一起先游过一条小河,然后再骑马去上学。农场失败后他们再次搬家,莫里森开始替父亲送药或者卖报纸来打工,并有了一条硬毛狗取名叫“公爵”。日后这成了韦恩自己的昵称。 他在学校里功课和橄榄球都不错,并在假期打工时认识了西部片导演约翰·福特,但这时他的梦想还是成为一个橄榄球明星。直到一次事故让他被迫离开赛场后,他才开始在福特的指导下开始演艺生涯,并改名为约翰·韦恩。 他出演的第一部电影是1930年的《没有女人的男人》,稍后也主演了几部影片。但是那个时候西部片这种类型尚未成熟,制作粗陋,而二十出头的韦恩也稍嫌稚嫩,还没有日后那种强硬粗狂的风格,这时的他并不走红。直到1939年的《驿站马车》,才让韦恩大放异彩,跻身明星的行列。片中的韦恩血气方刚,一心复仇;追逐戏与打斗戏也都有板有眼,十分精彩。1948年的《红河》是韦恩的又一个飞跃,他在此片中展现了成熟的演技,从此成为了超级巨星。据说导演约翰·福特在看完样片后说道“操,我还真不知道约翰·韦恩这狗娘养的还会演戏”。此片大获成功后,两人的合作日益密切,拍了一系列的西部片。而韦恩也渐渐以导演、制片等多重身份全方位的参与到电影制作中来。 中年后韦恩长期为健康问题困扰,但仍坚持拍戏,终在1969年凭藉《大地惊雷》中的老辣表演获得了奥斯卡奖。韦恩一生共拍戏近250部,他的著名影片还包括约翰·福特执导的骑兵三部曲,《搜索者》等。西部片是美国一个特定时代的产物,而韦恩作为西部片的代表人物,被认为是美国的象征,是那个时代所有美国人的化身。韦恩扮演的人物总是诚实,有个性,英雄主义。他自己也正是个这样的人。有一句名言:“我从不相信一个不喝酒的男人”。韦恩在政治上十分保守,他和里根是好友,曾亲自为里根作传,也经常把自己的政治诉求反映到影片当中。1979年6月11日他因病去世。

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