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28Apr2024 - 12:55 05 AM
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EM: The Million Pound Note 百万英镑 DVD
Code : 9787883641872
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Genre :Detective / Action ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :Chinese/ Mandarin , English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,

In 1903, American seaman Henry Adams (Gregory Peck) is stranded penniless in England and gets caught up in an unusual wager between two wealthy, eccentric brothers, Oliver (Ronald Squire) and Roderick Montpelier (Wilfred Hyde-White). They get a bank to issue a one million pound note, which they present to Adams in an envelope (only telling him that it contains some money). Oliver believes that the mere existence of the note will enable the possessor to obtain whatever he needs, while Roderick contends that it would actually have to be spent for it to be of any use. Once Adams gets over the shock of discovering how much the note is worth (and that it is genuine), he tries to return it to the brothers, but is told that they have left for a month. He then finds a letter in the envelope, explaining the wager and promising him a job if he can avoid spending the note for the month. At first, everything goes as Oliver had predicted. Adams is mistaken for an oddball millionaire and has no trouble obtaining food, clothing and a hotel suite on credit, just by showing his note. The story of the note is reported in the newspapers. Adams is welcomed into exclusive social circles, meeting the American ambassador and English aristocracy. He becomes very friendly with Portia Lansdowne (Jane Griffiths), the niece of the Duchess of Cromarty. Then, fellow American Lloyd Hastings (Hartley Power) asks him to back a business venture. Hastings tells Adams that he does not have to put up any money himself; the mere association will allow Hastings to raise the money he needs to start up a gold mine by selling shares. Trouble arises when the Duke of Frognal (A.E. Matthews), who had been unceremoniously evicted from the suite Adams now occupies, hides the note as a joke. When Adams is unable to produce the note, panic breaks out amongst the shareholders and Adams' creditors. Fortunately, all is straightened out in the end, and Adams is able to return the note to the Montpelier brothers at the end of the month. 故事发生在上世纪初的英国。一对富豪兄弟用一张面值百万英镑的现钞打赌,看这张钞票究竟会给人带来无尽的财富还是只是一张一文不值的“小纸片”。 很快,从美国来的亚当进入了富豪兄弟的视线。这个人的船在海上触礁沉没,他靠给其他船只做工来抵押船票才到了英国。现在他身无分文、饥饿难忍,这样一个穷人是再适合不过的人选了。于是亚当被请进了富豪家中。 富豪兄弟给了亚当百万钞票,并和他约定在一个月的时间里,亚当可以任意使用。但一个月后他必须把钞票原样不动地还给富豪,这样他可以得到富豪们为他提供的任何一份他想从事的工作。亚当糊里糊涂地接受了约定。 亚当无论去吃饭、购买服装都会因衣衫褴褛遭到人们的白眼。但当他拿出这张钞票时,人们不但向他大献殷勤,甚至连相关的费用都可以减免,因为在他们看来亚当是富豪,而且根本没有人可以给一张百万面值的钞票找零。 很快报纸上刊登出美国一位有着着装怪癖的百万富翁光临英国的消息,一时间亚当成为上流社会的焦点,无论是公爵、富商都以和亚当交际为荣,年轻姑娘们更是为了吸引亚当的注意而彼此间争风吃醋,亚当成为英国尽人皆知的人物。 但很快亚当陷入困境中。先是他欠下的债越来越多,之后饭店服务员和他开玩笑,将百万钞票藏了起来,瞬间股市大跌,人们相传亚当是骗子,要债的人挤满了整个饭店…… 好在一个月的期限终于到了,亚当如释重负地将钞票还给了富豪兄弟。但亚当并没有接受他们为他安排工作,因为经历了大起大落,亚当早已厌倦了人们对金钱的追逐。尽管失去了金钱,但他却得到了许多。

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