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14May2024 - 06:21 22 AM
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EM: The Sons Room 儿子的房间 DVD
Code : 9787880713350
Price : MYR12.90 SGD6.13 USD5.03 RMB34.83 MYR10.32 / SGD4.90 / USD4.02 / RMB27.86
Weight :250 g
Genre :Modern ,
Subtitle :Chinese , English ,
Language :English , French ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,

Nanni Moretti's extraordinary drama THE SON'S ROOM, which won the Palme D'Or at the 2001 Cannes Film Festival, tells the harrowing story of a once tight-knit, happy family having to come to terms with a devastating loss and get on with their lives. Nanni Moretti, the writer-director of the charming CARO DIARIO, which was based on his own life, has created this piece of fiction from scratch, but he nails it so well it is hard to believe it is not a documentary. Moretti, who not only stars in and directs the film but is also cowriter and coproducer, plays Giovanni, a happily married man with two wonderful children; he is also a psychoanalyst with a group of patients both hysterical and sad. He enjoys running through the streets of Ancona, but when he opts to make a rare house call one Sunday morning instead of going for a run with his son, tragedy strikes, and he can't help blaming himself and his choices. He starts having trouble listening to and caring about his patients, and he also distances himself from his wife, played magnificently by Laura Morante. One of the underlying themes of the film is the need to make--and break--scheduled appointments that threaten to overtake one's life with its potential for compulsive obsession; as Giovanni dreams of past scenes playing out differently, he can't help but think that if he had rearranged his schedule based on the importance and necessity of his appointments, his idyllic world might not have been turned upside down. 乔万尼生活在意大利北部的一座小城里。他的家庭十分幸福,相爱至深的妻子宝拉,十七岁的儿子害羞的安德烈和快乐的女儿爱琳。乔万尼是一位心理医生。每天在公寓旁边的咨询所里,病人都要向他倾诉那令他们备受折磨的心理疾病和精神痛苦。相形之下,他自己的生活平静而美满。只是时不时有些小小的风波。一天,安德烈的校长打电话来说他在学校偷了一只昂贵的贝壳,虽然告状的学生很快就收回了他的控诉, 乔万尼依然对儿子表示怀疑。果真不久安德烈就向母亲吐露他和朋友一起偷了那只贝壳,仅仅为了捉弄一下校长。   可是,终有一天,这种美好的日子被打破了。一个星期天早晨,乔万尼接到病人的急诊电话,他不得不改变与安德烈去晨跑的计划。安德烈只好与朋友去潜水,但他这一去就再也没有回来。整个家庭陷入了绝望之中,乔万尼不断地自责:如果那个早晨他拒绝了病人……

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