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27Apr2024 - 10:28 32 PM
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EM:Swan Lake天鹅湖 DVD
Code : 9787885724368
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Genre :Comedy / Love ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer :Rungreang Entertainment ,

Swan Lake is generally presented in either four Acts, four Scenes (primarily outside Russia and Eastern Europe) or three Acts, four Scenes (primarily in Russia and Eastern Europe).

Act 1 - A magnificent park before a castle.

Swan Lake begins at a royal court. Prince Siegfried, heir to the kingdom, must declare a wife at his birthday ball. Upset that he cannot marry for love, Siegfried escapes into the forest at night. As he sees a flock of swans flying overhead, he sets off in pursuit.

Act 2 - A mountainous wild place, surrounded by forest. In the distance a lake, on the right side of which are ruins. A moonlit night.
The Valse des cygnes from Act II of the Ivanov/Petipa edition of Swan Lake.
The Valse des cygnes from Act II of the Ivanov/Petipa edition of Swan Lake.

Siegfried aims his crossbow at the swans and readies himself for their landing by the lakeside. When one comes into view, however, he stops. Before him is a beautiful creature dressed in white feathers, more woman than swan. Enamoured, the two dance and Siegfried learns that the swan maiden is the princess Odette. An evil sorcerer, von Rothbart, captured her and used his magic to turn Odette into a swan by day and woman by night.

A retinue of other captured swan-maidens attend Odette in the environs of Swan Lake, which was formed by the tears of her parents when she was kidnapped by von Rothbart. Once Siegfried knows her story, he takes great pity on her and falls in love. As he begins to swear his love to her - an act that will render the sorcerer's spell powerless - von Rothbart appears. Siegfried threatens to kill him but Odette intercedes. If von Rothbart dies before the spell is broken, it can never be undone.

Act 3 - An opulent hall in the castle.
Scene from Act 4 of Swan Lake.Vienna Staatsoper, 2004
Scene from Act 4 of Swan Lake.
Vienna Staatsoper, 2004

The Prince returns to the castle to attend the ball. Von Rothbart arrives in disguise with his own daughter Odile, making her seem identical to Odette in all respects except that she wears black while Odette wears white. The prince mistakes her for Odette, dances with her, and proclaims to the court that he intends to make her his wife. Only a moment too late, Siegfried sees the real Odette and realizes his mistake. The method in which Odette appears varies: in some versions she arrives at the castle, while in other versions von Rothbart shows Siegfried a magical vision of her.

Act 4 - Same scene by the lake as in Act 2.

Realizing that the spell can never be broken, Odette and Siegfried drown themselves by leaping into the lake. This causes von Rothbart to lose his power over them, and he dies as a result. 四幕芭蕾舞剧,作品作于1876年。故事取材于俄罗斯古老的童话,由别吉切夫和盖里采尔编剧,是柴科夫斯基最著名的代表作之一。由于原编导在创作上的平庸以及乐队指挥缺乏经验,致使1877年2月20日首演失败。 直到1895年,在彼得堡的演出,才获得了惊人的成功,从此成为世界芭蕾舞的经典名著。

  《天鹅湖》 至今仍是舞蹈家们所遵循的楷模, 同时也是一部现实主义舞剧的典范。 剧情大致是:被魔法师罗德伯特变成天鹅的奥杰塔公主,在湖边与王子齐格弗里德相遇,倾诉自己的不幸,告诉他:只有忠诚的爱情才能使她摆脱魔法师的统治,王子发誓永远爱她。在为王子挑选新娘的舞会上,魔法师化成武士,以外貌与奥杰塔相似的女儿奥吉莉雅欺骗了王子。王子发觉受骗,激动地奔向湖岸,在奥杰塔和群天鹅的帮助和鼓舞下,战胜了魔法师。天鹅们都恢复了人形,奥杰塔和王子终于结合在一起。


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