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10May2024 - 08:57 12 PM
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Discovery & Documentary

National Geographic - Naked Science: Who Built Stonehenge? 巨石阵建造之谜 DVD
Code : C00230
Price : MYR29.90 SGD14.20 USD11.66 RMB80.73 MYR23.92 / SGD11.36 / USD9.33 / RMB64.58
Weight :100 g
Genre :Science / Weapon / Mystery ,
Subtitle :Chinese ,
Language :English ,
Video Format :NTSC ,
Discs :1
Region Code :ALL ,
Model :DVD ,
Manufacturer : ,

Stonehenge - Engliand's most mysterious ancient monument, older than the Pyramids of Egypt. But who built it and how? What we do know is that some of the rocks at Stonehenge were transported more 200 miles across the waters of England's widest tidal estuary.

Naked Science demonstrates how these stones could have been carried such a vast distance, and raised into place, using just the primitive technology possessed by Ancient Britons almost 5000 years ago. And, for the first time, the film employs modern forensic investigation techniques to examine human skeletons found near the site and recreate the face of one man who may have worked on the construction of this astonishing, ancient structure. 古老的巨石阵,屹立的英格兰索尔兹伯里平原上,是地球上最神秘的史前遗迹之一。数世纪以来,它的丰姿赋予了人们丰富的想象力。这对历史比埃及金字塔还要悠久的巨石,究竟是谁建造的,又是怎样建成的呢?我们所能知道的就是这座巨石阵所用的石头来自200英里之外,期间穿越了英国最长的河流。。。。这些巨石是怎样从遥远之地搬运而来的?而且还放得恰如其所,似乎原本就坐落此处?难道5000年前的英国人就已经懂得运用先进的建筑技术?他们又为何要建造巨石阵?为了解开这个千古之谜,本片专家利用现代法医技术检测了附近寻获的远古人类骨骼,并对其中一个进行了脸部修复 - 资料显示他极可能参与了这座惊世骇俗的巨石阵的建造过程。

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