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13May2024 - 05:17 31 AM
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Japanese Movie : Forbidden Siren VCD - 死魂曲
Code : 3379798
Price : MYR19.90 SGD9.45 USD7.76 RMB53.73 MYR15.92 / SGD7.56 / USD6.21 / RMB42.98
Weight :150 g
Genre :Horror / Thriller / Science Fiction ,
Subtitle :Chinese , Malay ,
Language :Japanese ,
Discs :2
Model :VCD ,

As reported in 1976, the inhabitants of a solitary island of Yamajima were once annihilated except for a crazy man who shouted a mysterious warning: “When you hear the siren, never go out.” Thirty years later, Yuki Amamoto goes to the island with her father, a freelance reporter, and her little brother who suffers from neurological disorders. Though they are welcomed by a young doctor, Minamida, who shows them the island, all the islanders look creepy and unfriendly to Yuki. The house they live in has long been deserted, full of dust and old blood stains. Her neighbour, staying next door, helps her clean the house and gives her the same strange warning: “When you hear the siren, never go out”. It is the beginning of a series of mysterious incidents: A group of dancers in fancy clothes, mysterious scribbles on the walls of a ruined house, a suddenly deserted market, a pretty girl in a red dress standing on the hill… Gradually, Yuki loses her trust in the people around her. She is determined to protect her brother from the unknown peril that seems to be surrounding them. Then one night, she hears the siren. But her father goes to the forest to take pictures of the nocturnal animals. When he returns, something is very wrong with him, as he seems cold-blooded and behaves like a different man. As the second siren sounds, Yuki and the doctor goes to a steel tower on the hill which the villagers are scared of, because the siren blares from the top of it. There she finds a notebook of the survivor of the 1976 annihilation of villagers, containing the truth of the incident. It describes how the murders took place, but is cut halfway: “The third siren changed the villagers into…” At the same time, the siren begins to roar the third time. The severed bits of mystery begin to assemble together to reveal the truth of the 1976 massacre, and it leads to the solution of the mystery of the siren…

1590年,美国。一个叫做罗诺克的小岛上,全岛117人突然消失。最后可以找到的线索只有“Croatan”这个词。   1872年,大西洋上。漂流中的玛丽?塞莱斯特号上的所有人全部消失了。在航海日志上留着“12月4日,我,妻子玛丽”这样有头没尾的话。   1976年,日本,夜美岛。一个月高风清的夜晚,海水变成了红色,随着神秘的“死魂曲”的响起,突然间岛上所有居民全部消失了。唯一还活着的男人——土田圭(阿部宽饰),似乎已经丧失了意识,疯疯癫癫地只重复着“死魂曲响了不能出门”。   这一切到底是怎么回事,事件的真相到底如何?没人能够解答。随着岁月的流逝,夜美岛也似乎随着新居民的增多而归于平静……   29年后,为了治疗弟弟英夫(西山润饰)的哮喘,18岁的天本由贵(市川由衣饰)姐弟二人随父亲天本真一(森本治行饰)从市区来到了夜美岛,自母亲去世后,由贵在这个家里便担当起了母亲的角色,照顾着孤独的父亲和弟弟。来迎接他们的是英夫的主治医生——岛上年轻有为的南田丰(田中直树饰)大夫,热心的南田丰带着他们参观了整个小岛,并告知他们这个岛上的禁忌:“天黑不要出门”、“不要接近森林中的铁塔”等。与态度和蔼的南田丰正好相反,岛上的其他居民对他们一家的到来并不表示欢迎。由贵感觉屋子外面似乎总有人在不怀好意地监视着他们的一举一动,于是她开始不断地疑神疑鬼。好心的邻居里美(西田尚美饰)也警告她“一旦听到死魂曲响起,千万不要出门。”某天,死魂曲响起了……父亲和弟弟没有听从警告,在死魂曲响起后出了门……不仅如此,由贵还发现了29年前留下的唯一一个残存不全的日记簿。   土著的宗教、废墟中的字谜、神秘的红衣女子,一个个不解之谜接二连三的出现……

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